Sleepy Berry

I left work ten minutes early today, and rushed not to my house but to the post office, because yesterday I found a “sorry we missed you” card in the mailbox, indicating that a package from Korea had arrived for me.

And I knew what that meant…

Inside the box, my Sleepy Berry was protected in her own little box, with a nice window so she could see out.  🙂

Inside there, she was carefully wrapped in sleeping bag-like layers of foam.  The little white card opens up, and contains a greeting/care instruction paragraph in Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese.  It also contained a little plastic envelope with some strips of Velcro.  I guess I was supposed to fasten the Velcro (which did seem to be adhesive-backed) to her head to make wigs stay in place better?  (I should probably do that at some point…)

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