Light and Dark Fairies

I had the pics taken for a post on my Black Friday order from Tiny Frock Shop, but this takes precedence! 😀  (I’ll do the other post soon.)

You may remember a while back I posted about a Kickstarter I was backing:

(No, it's not actually a video. It's a screen-cap of a video. Click for source.)
(No, it’s not actually a video. It’s a screen-cap of a video. Click for source.)

Well, the tracking said they were going to be delivered today, and so at work today I kept checking the tracking over and over again, having become ever so slightly paranoid after what happened with my Junky Spot Black Friday order.  (Still no movement on that front, btw.  I’m afraid the “return to sender” packages all got shunted to the side in the holiday rush, and won’t get dealt with until January.  I may be wrong, of course, but…one way or another, those dollies are still in limbo.  Though as of today, almost all their clothes and other accouterments have arrived.)  But it kept not being updated beyond “out for delivery.”

The weather turned nasty today.  We actually left work slightly early, because the dropping temperatures meant the light drizzle was turning into light freezing rain.  (My mother nearly had a terrible spill on her neighbor’s front porch, in fact, because it had become so slick.)  Despite leaving early in the hopes of avoiding the worst of the weather and the weather-related-traffic, the commute home that takes me 32-35 minutes with minimal traffic and 45ish minutes with rush hour traffic took me well over an hour and fifteen minutes.  And all the time I had to have the heat going pretty strong on the front defrost to keep the windshield from icing up, so my hybrid, which usually gets 45-55 mpg on that commute, only got about 25 mpg for the drive.  (Which sounds slightly like an odd complaint, considering how many SUVs were on the road all around me.  😛  I’m sure they’d be astounded to get 25 city mpg.)  My average speed on the trip home was 7 mph.  (Seriously, my car keeps track of all this stuff.  It’s pretty cool. 😛 )

Anyway, so there I am, just barely home, tired, annoyed that I’ve seen neither hide nor hair of my fairies (despite the package with my lost dollies’ wigs having already been delivered), and on the phone with my mother to assure her that I did make it home safely, even if it took me twice as long as usual.  And then the doorbell rings.

The mailman actually came back to deliver my dolls:  he said he waited until he figured I’d be home.  If I’d been less flustered by having had the doorbell ring right in my ear (I was standing under the bell when it went off) while on the phone, I would have thanked him even more profusely for his consideration.  (I suspect the employees at my local post office were probably given a bit of a talking to after their supervisor found out what had happened to my earlier package.  Or maybe just the one guy who delivers to my house, and he wanted to make sure it didn’t happen again.  Either way, I feel slightly guilty about it, despite that I didn’t actually do anything wrong.)

Anyway!  Point is, they’re finally here!

When I opened the box, this is what was inside:


Well, almost everything that was inside.  One of the wings slipped to the side and missed being in the photo (each was carefully wrapped individually, to protect against breakage) and I forgot to toss the cute little origami stars in there.  But this is most of it. 🙂  After I took this photo, there was much bubble wrap tossed about. 😉

Before I get to the main event, let me just clarify one thing.  See the little baggie next to the two business cards?  This is a close-up:


The eyes are rather self-explanatory, of course.  The little brown and tan things are plugs to fill the wing-holes if you choose not to have them wearing their wings.  But given how tightly the wings fit in there, I don’t think I’d dare put the plugs in, for fear that I’d never get them back out again!  (There’s also the more basic reason of “why would I want my fairies not to have their wings?”)


Aren’t they lovely?  I haven’t decided on their names yet, or even what their face-ups are going to look like.  Though I’ve been thinking the light fairy’s may be more-or-less pansy-themed (or at least floral in general) and now that I’m seeing her in person, I think I may go less “dark fairy” and more “dryad” with the other.  Though I’m not sure why a dryad would have bony wings, but…hey, maybe she’s half-dryad, half-something-else. 😛

I’ll give them a full, proper intro (with size comparisons to other dolls, since 1/4 scale is slightly less common than 1/6 and 1/3) after they have face-ups, names and clothes, but let me give you a few more shots to show them off. 😀  (These were taken in inconsistent artificial light, so none of them quite gives an accurate depiction of the resin colors involved.  The later intro to them in their final form will have to have outdoor photos on a nice day so you can get a good idea of their actual colors.)

fairies-4 fairies-5

fairies-6 fairies-7

fairies-11 fairies-12

Since I have no idea when I’ll be able to get to their face-ups, between lack of space and lack of time, I thought they shouldn’t spend all that time waiting without eyes, and they’re too pretty to put back in a box for all that time!  So I went ahead and put in the eyes they came with, though I may have to give them new ones later on to match their face-ups, depending on how I decide to make them look.

There’s an art to getting BJD eyes in place.  It is not one in which I have any skill whatsoever. 😦

fairies-8 fairies-9

I’m planning on using these last two photos to help me plan their face-ups.  Y’know, load them into PhotoShop (or something like it) and draw on possible face-ups digitally to see how they look.  If I come up with any good ones, I’ll upload them here and see what people think. 🙂  (So much safer to practice on a photo than on the actual dolls!)

Well, it’s getting late, so I’ll just close this off now.  But you can expect that Black Friday post soon, since I’ve already got the photos ready. 😉  (Oh, and the gallery for these dolls is here.  It’s where I’ll add future photos of them, too.)


3 thoughts on “Light and Dark Fairies

  1. Catarina December 17, 2016 / 8:36 am

    Eeee they’re gorgeous! If they were smaller I would totally be all over them (trying to stay 1/6 and under). I was totally getting that dryad vibe when I saw the one with dark skin. Maybe you could try some green eyes if you go with dryad? Their face sculpts look so much better than I thought they would. Very fairy-ish but not little girl fairy!

    Can’t wait for faceups (I personally think some vine-y face paint would look cool but thats just me lol).


  2. Chrissy December 17, 2016 / 9:57 am

    Congrats! They’re really neat. Their little curled toes are so cute. Can’t wait to see what you do with them. 🙂


  3. Olive December 18, 2016 / 4:49 pm

    Very neat! Wow it was a while ago since I first saw you post about these carries ^^. I can’t want to see what you do with them and the photos you take. They’re so much fun.


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